Equality in Hip-Hop

This is my second action project, in which had to create a PSA. The PSA had to be related to one of the 4 elements of hip-hop, graffiti, breakdancing, MCing, and DJing. The PSA also had to address one of the targets from either the 4th, 5th or 6th SDG. The one my group chose was SDG 5, gender equality. We chose this one because of how present misogyny was in the 4 elements of hip-hop. This was shown in one of our books for class, "Can't Stop Won't Stop". In the book, it is shown that women get treated less fairly than men in the world of hip-hop. For example, graffiti was often viewed as a men's activity. When the women tried to do it, people assumed that a man did the work, and the girl was just there. Everyone deserves to have their work seen, and gender shouldn't play a role in that. For the action project itself, my group made two posters addressing one of the targets for SDG 5. My target was 5.5, "Ensure women’s full and effective participati...