Save The H2O

   In our water class, we've been learning about water usage, conversions, ratios, and atoms. For our field experience, we went to the Chicago Riverwalk to carry water from the Riverwalk back to the school. The process of walking to the river, filling up everyone's containers, and walking back to the school took about 40 minutes in total. Everyone had to carry at least 1 gallon of water. We also watched a video of an Ethiopian girl named Aysha having to go out for 9 hours just to get water for her family.

     This class made me realize just how much water I use and how I take it for granted. In class, we had to find out how much water we used on average, and I found out that I used about 120 gallons of water daily or about 452 liters. Comparing that to the average Ethiopian's usage, which is about 10 liters, it made me realize just how important water is. When I was making this poster, I wanted people to think about their own water usage, and what they could do to maybe reduce it. This class also made me realize how hard it is for people who don't have easy access to water. My nearest water source is Humboldt Park, which is 2.1 miles from my house, or a 43-minute walk. Assuming I'd carry the same amount of water as I did on the FE, 2 gallons, it would take me 14 hours and 20 minutes to get 10 gallons of water, which isn't even a tenth of my daily water usage. If this was my reality, I wouldn't have time do to anything enjoyable. 

    With this information, I wanted my poster to give people a chance to reflect on their own water usage. I used my own water usage and compared it to both an average American and an average Ethiopian. I also put the water access for countries, to see just how much easier we have it in America. I hope that my poster can inspire others to realize just how lucky they are to have easy access to water. 


   Overall, I'd say that I really enjoyed this project. Getting to step back and acknowledge what you have is something I don't get to do often. This project made me realize just how important water is, and how not everyone is as lucky as I am to have easy access to it. I hope that my poster lets others acknowledge their own privileges and think about how they can save water themselves.  


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