A World of My Own

    This is my action project for my class Who Am I, in which we had to design what our version of a utopia would look like. During this unit, we've been focusing on how gender, sexuality, and intersectionality. During this term, we watch Moonlight, a movie following a boy named Chiron, and how his different marginalized identities impacted how he lived his watch. It was sometimes an uncomfortable watch, but sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to learn. I think the film was a perfect summary of what we've learned, not just for this unit, but for the class as a whole. 

    For my action project, my version of a utopia was a place where everyone's voices could be heard, no matter who you are or where you came from. To show this, I created a podium and placed signs around it, with different identities and important causes placed on them. For me, representation is a very big thing for me. Being a part of marginalized groups and watching them be silenced is a very hard thing to watch, it affects you in a way only other people who share your identity can feel. As such, I wanted to make something that shows that every person, especially minority groups, deserves to be heard.

      This project made me think about myself on a level I've never done before. It made me think about what's important to me, what would exist in a perfect world, and how I can express that in this project. After doing this project, I'd say I learned that everyone, including myself, can create something meaningful. We all have something we want to say, something we want to vocalize, something that's important to us. Going into this project, I had no idea what I wanted to make, and now that I'm finished, I can say that I'm satisfied with it, as I put everything that I wanted say into it.


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