Design a House

 This is my action project for my Spanish class, in which we had to design a house. In this unit, we've learned about conjugating different verbs, such as ar, ir, and er. We had to create different sentences using these verbs and design the house. What I found challenging was designing the house using Google Drawings, as I've never used it before. However, I'm happy with how it turned out, especially for it being my first attempt at using Google Drawings. 

A.C. Design A House Final Draft, 2023.  

A.C. Design a House Rough Draft, 2023.


Tú ordenas la mesa.

Nosotros lavamos el microondas.

Ella escribe un correo electrónico.

Nosotros sacudimos los muebles.

Yo como pizza.

Estamos contentas

El armario está al lado de la cama 


Dining Room

Tú comes

Tú bebes


Tú usar el microondas 

Tú usar la mezcladora


Tú usas el armario.

Living Room

Tú miras el televisor




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